The Founder of Inner Silence Hermitage: Haruki Niyekawa
Farmer, Drummer, Healthrhythms Facilitator, Deep Tissue Body Worker who had been trained by Mark Caffell Ph.D. in 1990, Body Psychotherapist who is certified by International Institute for Biosynthesis in 1994 and European Association for Body Psychotherapy in 2006, the national trainer and one of the Directors of Bio Integral Psychotherapy School which is certified by European Association for Body Psychotherapy, and the trainer of Serotonin Dojo that the most famous professor "Hideho Arita, MD" researching Serotonin in Japan works as the founder, and also co-trainer of Music Medicine with Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, MA, and he finally got the World Certificate for Psychotherapy in 2018 by the World Council for Psychotherapy which is an NGO of the United Nations-affiliated to The ECOSOC.
He has done so many individual sessions in Tokyo and organized the workshop since 1993, and has led the training group since 2006.
And he has practiced Pranayama which had taught by Tiwariji in 2013. Tiwariji has been one of the world’s leading authorities in pranayama.
He has tried to integrate the western path to spiritual growth and the eastern path in Inner Silence Hermitage.